February was a "POLISH PROJECT MONTH" in our school. In the beginning of month all classes met together and were informed what we are going to learn about Poland. Each class worked on its own on singing and dancing the song "Krakowiaczek" and practising the Polish game "Dwa ognie".
February was a "POLISH PROJECT MONTH" in our school. In the beginning of month all classes met together and were informed what we are going to learn about Poland. Each class worked on its own on singing and dancing the song "Krakowiaczek" and practising the Polish game "Dwa ognie".
We have to say that our children really like the song. The polish language is very close to ours so we understood very well what the song is about and it was an experience to practice polish pronunciation:-)
The game "Dwa ognie" is very similar to a game which we call "Vybíjená" in our country. It was very interesting to compare both variants. In our version we call the mother "kapitán(captain)" and we have some more strict rules like:
- no steps with a ball
- before hitting someone has to pass you a ball so the ball is charged and you can hit with it
- in the beginning mother has to pass the ball 3 times with her team
In the end of February we met together again to share our experience.D uring this meeting Mr. Petr organized a quick "course" of dancing and singing Krakowiazcek to remind the song. Mostly the younger children were very interested to join. It was very nice performance. Then the 3rd class of Ms. Vlasta presented the Polish sport, they have prepared commentary and questions to the Polish presentation. 4th and 5th class of Ms. Katka have prepared posters with sport words in Polish to test their friends. Some of the words were really very difficult to guess. Then a little tournament in "Dwa ognie" took place. All children from our school were involved. Four mothers have allotted their team.There were 4 matches. The most succesfull team was "Bílý tygři(White tigers)". Children enjoyed the game "Dwa ognie" a lot. Now they are asking to play Dwa ognie during each PE lesson :-)
We also enjoyed the sport quiz. We have learned a lot of new. Our children were very interested in playing table tennis in Polish school. We haven´t got this opportunity in our school, so all our pupils love this idea and would like to move to your school!:-)
Thank you, Polish partners, for all the interesting materials which you have prepared for us:-)
Video of practising Krakowiaczek:
Sport vocabulary |
"Mothers" allotting their teams |
in action |
All players |
"Bílí tygři" winning team
Video of playing Dwa ognie: