In January we had a Spanish month in our school. All children in our school have learned to sing and dance the Spanish song "El patio de mi casa". They really like singing the song a lot eventhough it was no that easy for us to pronounce the words. We have enjoyed lots of fun with the song.
In January we had a Spanish month in our school. All children in our school have learned to sing and dance the Spanish song "El patio de mi casa". They really like singing the song a lot eventhough it was no that easy for us to pronounce the words. We have enjoyed lots of fun with the song.
We have practised "La Rayuela" in many different ways. In our country is this game also well known but the variety with a stone was new for us. The Czech name for this game is "Panák".
Children watched the presentation about Spanish sport, the 3rd class has searched for more information about the Spanish sportsmen and prepared a board with pictures for our Comenius centre. Pupils were excited to try the Spanish quiz. We also used the Comenius dictionary to learn some words about sport.
Video - 3rd class dancing and singing "El patio...":
In the end of Spanish month we have organised a Spanish day. All the children met in gym room to dance and sing together "El patio de mi casa". 3rd class prepared a little test for others about sport in Spain. 5th class prepared a game to match Spanish and Czech vocabulary. Then we had a little tournament in La Rayuela. Children could try 4 different ways and levels.
In the end of January we skyped with Spanish school. Our children sang " El patio de mi casa" for our partners.Spanish partners asked us what we have learned about sport in Spain.
Thank you, Spanish partners, for very interesting materials which you have prepared for us. We really enjoyed all the activities!:-)
Thank you, Spanish partners, for very interesting materials which you have prepared for us. We really enjoyed all the activities!:-)