"Skákání přes gumu"/Jumping over an elastic rope
This game  has been found in the 2nd half of 20th century. Very popular used to be especially between girls. They used to play this game during brakes at schools, in classrooms, corridors, while waiting for a bus,....almost everywhere. We still like playing this game and not only girls.

This game is at least for 3 players.
You need an elastic rope 4 -5 m long. 
2 players are holding and elastic band on their legs (different levels). 1 player is jumping. He must manage to jump all kinds of jumps (see in video) without any mistake. If he makes a mistake, another player will replace him and he must wait until it comes his turn again. When a level is managed, upper level comes. Winner is the player who manages to jump corretly whole series of jumps in all levels as the first one.
Levels= height of elastic rope
level 1 - ankles
level 2 - half of calfs
level 3 - knees
level 4 - half of thighs
level 5 - upper thighs


Picture manual: